Affordable Home Insurance Plans for Homeowners and Tenants
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Plans for houses valued up to €700,000

Secure your home and its contents against damage, theft, or unexpected events
Home Insurance quote in a few easy steps
Answer a few simple questions so you can find a policy that best protects your home. Some of the questions we will ask include:
Year of construction
Construction material (concrete, metal etc)
The value of the building, contents, and personal items
If there are solar panels and what their value is
Home Insurance Plans available through the App
Home Superior is the plan offering the most extensive cover and is probably the most comprehensive insurance Plan on the market. In addition to the cover offered by all the other plans, it also offers cover against theft (without a break-in), window and mirror breakage, automatic reimbursement of the insured amount (following a Claim) and replacement of locks.
The Home Superior plan offers the 24hr Home Assistance service, free.
Upgraded Home Superior Plan Leaflet
Click here to view the BOC Mobile App policy cover, terms and exceptions.
The Home Flexible Plan provides cover against basic risks such as fire, smoke damage, lightning, gas/boiler explosion and is flexible since it offers the option to include additional covers such as earthquake, storm damage, flooding and theft following a break-in.
Click here to view the BOC Mobile App policy cover, terms and exceptions.
Home Plus is a complete insurance Plan providing all the basic covers and additionally: protection against inflation, loss of rent, relocation expenses, civil liability cover of up to €90.000 for the owner/tenant and compensation based on replacement value.
It also provides free Home Assistance which makes life easier for the policyholder concerning everything that can happen in the home, whether urgent or not. The service is available in emergency situations 24 hours a day. With one phone call a technical expert will be sent out to you for any urgent repairs of damages to your home, such as a plumbing, electrical, locks, windowpanes (with an upper limit of €60 for each event and up to a maximum of three events in each 12-month insurance period).
The service is there for you in case of emergencies, 24 hours a day.
Click here to view the BOC Mobile App policy cover, terms and exceptions.
Home Basic is the Plan which covers all basic risks of a home. Amongst others it provides cover against fire, smoke damage, lightning, gas/boiler explosion, earthquake, storm damage, flooding, malicious damage, water or fuel leaks, hot water tanks and theft following a break-in.
Click here to view the BOC Mobile App policy cover, terms and exceptions.
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