Option through which you can exchange messages with the Bank, in a secure environment.
Important Information
- Depending on its content, every message received, is handled by the appropriate department of the Bank
- Messages can be sent for:
- More information regarding the products/services of the Bank
- Clarifications about various issues with bank accounts
- Comments and suggestions for service quality / processes
- Communication with your responsible branch
- The Messages cannot be used for giving instructions for financial transactions
- Write your messages in the Greek or English languages
How to send a message
- Click on
. Alternatively, you can click on the Contact us link at the bottom of the screen
- Select tab New Message
- Subject: Enter the subject of your message
- Message: Type the message you want to send
- Choose a File: Optionally select file from your pc. Click on upload to attach the file in your message. The file name, for being acceptable for uploading, must be in Latin characters and/or numbers and/or basic symbols.
- Send: Click to send the message to the Bank. Once sent, the message appears in the Sent tab
- Inbox: All messages received from the Bank are displayed in this tab
- Get Messages: Click Refresh to receive any pending messages from the Bank
- Click
to open and/or save on your pc any attachments of the message
- Subject: Click on the subject (link), to read its content
- Reply: Click to reply to the message
- Message: Enter the content of the message
- Choose a File: Optionally select file from your pc. Click on upload to attach the file in your message. The file name, for being acceptable for uploading, must be in Latin characters and/or numbers and/or basic symbols
- Send: Click to complete the reply process
Other options
Choose any message in the Inbox/Outbox and click on to delete the message from the list.
- Notices: This tab contains all informative or important messages sent from time to time by the Bank
- Notices usually concern system upgrades, new services/products, security issues and other important announcements
- Subject: Click on the Subject to see its content
- Reply: Click if you wish to send a reply to the Bank regarding the Notice you received. Follow the same process as described in the How to send a message section.