My Accounts - Other Banks
Connect other Banks' accounts
Option to connect other Banks’ Accounts to your subscription and to view important information.
The information displayed is provided by the other Bank. For any queries with regards to transactions to such accounts, you should contact the bank with which the account is maintained.
Connect other banks’ accounts
- Select country: Select from the drop-down list, the country’s Bank for which you owned accounts and you wish to connect
- Select Bank: Select from the drop-down list, the Bank for which you owned accounts and you wish to connect them
- Subscription Name: Enter an alias name for each subscription
- Submit: proceeding with this action you are accepting the relevant Terms and Conditions and you will be Redirected to the selected external site to complete the procedure for the connection of Other Banks’ accounts
Manage other Banks' accounts
Option to manage other Banks’ Accounts connected to your subscription.
General information
- View important information of other banks’ accounts connected to your 1bank subscription
- For accounts maintained with other banks, the information displayed is the one provided by the other Bank. For any queries with regards to transactions to such accounts, you should contact the bank with which the account is maintained.
- to renew your access, click on
next to the specific subscription
- To refresh the balance of an account, click on
next to the specific account
- To remove subscription, click on
and then confirm
Manage BoC access on other platforms
Option to manage Bank of Cyprus accounts access given on other platforms (other Banks or Government Services).
General information
- The option presents the Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) and Account Information Service Providers (AISPs) to which you have provided consent to cooperate with
- You can view important information of your BoC accounts on other platforms
- You can view access permissions.
- You cannot update the access permissions provided to a PSP (Payment Service Provider). Changes to the access permissions may only be performed through the respective PSP's application/website
- You can Renew all, some or a specific subscription
- You can Remove the access for all, some or a specific subscription. If you delete a subscription with any of your connected PSPs no information about your accounts will be made available to the PSP and transactions will no longer be possible to be initiated via the specific PSP
View the subscription name, the status of the subscription, the expiration date, the account and currency, the account type, the access permission and the account owner
- To remove subscription, click on
for some or a specific subscription and then confirm