Stay on top of your finances and expenses
Wouldn't be nice to have a personal advisor 24/7, helping you with your financial objectives? Now this becomes a reality. Thanks to the new MoneyFit service from the Bank of Cyprus, you can be in control of your money and spending.
MoneyFit, available on the BoC Mobile App, is a useful tool helping you better manage your finances and gain more control over your expenses.
How it works
MoneyFit gives you tips on how to save money, and features product and services promotions customised to your expenses and needs, geared at optimising your financial wellbeing.
Account transaction notifications
- Notifies you about the available balance
- Notifies you every time your account is credited/debited
- Instant notification about payroll transactions
- Sets a monthly budget, by category
- Sends you a reminder whenever the budget is exceeded

More information
The new MoneyFit service is offered free of charge to all Bank of Cyprus customers.
MoneyFit is available through the BoC Mobile App; you can find it by clicking on the options on the top left of the screen.
The service is automatically activated, once you give Bank of Cyprus your consent for marketing purposes.
Watch the demo video here
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