EEA foreign exchange currency converter

Use our European Economic Area (EEA) foreign exchange currency converter below to identify the currency conversion charges and the percentage mark-up over European Central Bank (ECB) exchange rates that may apply to your foreign exchange transaction on your Visa and/or Mastercard Cards

Calculation result

Currencies fluctuate every day. The rate shown is effective for transactions submitted to [card_type] with a bank foreign transaction fee of [mark_up_with_additional_fee_percentage]%.


  1. The rates quoted at the time of using the calculator are the latest rates available and may not be the same rates as when you complete a transaction. The value of the transaction that appears on your statement will reflect the exchange rate applicable at the time the transaction is posted to your account.
  2. The Euro foreign exchange reference rate from the ECB, which is used to calculate “Percentage mark-up over ECB rate”, is subject to change daily
  3. The table should be used as a guide only
  4. For more information, please refer to the BOC Card Terms and Conditions for further information on currency conversion charges applied.