Red Cross

We have a partnership with Red Cross Cyprus and particularly supporting the Children Therapy Centre Stella Soulioti, in Limassol.

The Centre treats more than 100 children aged up to 22 years old that live with severe physical disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and other physical and developmental problems. In addition to medical and nursing care, the Centre offers physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, hippotherapy, music therapy and psychological sessions; it also provides mobility solutions for the children’s comfort.

Close attention is paid to creating a family atmosphere, the children’s entertainment, facilitating their social integration and generally making the best possible effort to give them a better life. The services offered by the Centre are constantly upgraded. A specialist Pediatrician supervises the general healthcare, cooperating closely with the Ministry of Health and foreign specialists. Dedicated therapy personnel and a fully comprehensive set of equipment provide healthcare and therapeutic treatment of the highest standard.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Centre operates a special school for children of school age, offering special education, therapy, psychological support and more. It also works closely with the Ministry of Health and the Limassol General Hospital to provide orthopedic, neurological and other treatments on a regular and ad hoc basis.