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Users who are under 18 years of age can not use our services

How much can I borrow?

Calculate the maximum amount you can borrow based on your financial situation and needs. More specifically you can see:


Type of credit facility



Please select a value in order to proceed.


The duration of the credit facility will change automatically based on the maximum years allowed and your age


Age and duration in total can not exceed your 65th year of age.
Please set an age in order to proceed.


Duration not in allowed range.
Please set a duration in order to proceed.

Financial Information

Total monthly net income

Your net monthly income including salary (after tax, social security, deductions) plus other earnings like social benefits, pensions, alimony, etc.

Including salary and any other income

Complete total monthly net income

Total monthly expenses

The total average monthly expenses of your household as follows: Utilities, property tax, insurances, household, transport, education, medical, social, etc.

How much you spend on utilities, transportation, shopping, etc.

Complete total monthly household expenses

Total monthly instalments

Total monthly instalments in all Banks including instalments you pay in Bank of Cyprus

In all Banks


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Calculation is not possible with the data entered

The results provided are indicative and they are calculated based on:  (a) a floating interest rate consisting of the Bank of Cyprus’ Base Rate (BCBR) plus margin for housing loans, and (b) a fixed interest rate for hire purchase agreements.

It is noted that for housing loans the total interest rate is currently and indicatively, from 4.61% to 4.96% and for car hire purchase the fixed interest rate is currently and indicatively, from 5.55% to 7.35%.

The interest rates offered vary based on criteria evaluated and applied by the Bank, in accordance with its respective credit policy. More options for interest rates are available here and at our branches.